Welcome to the future of energy. Today.
Resi – Sol
The earth receives more
energy from the sun in one hour than
is used by the entire world in one year.
Resol provides
the way to harness that energy
to power your home.

The panels themselves are made of silicon and silver. Silicone or solar cells absorb light energy and create a photovoltaic effect converting light energy into excess electron energy. The solar panel’s job is to take the excess electron energy and turn it into electric power. Silver acts as the conductor to pass electricity on to an inverter.

Direct Current (DC) electricity generated by the silicone solar cells is run through an inverter to make a conversion to Alternating Current (AC) power (the standard electrical current used in your home). Each solar cell generates roughly 1.0 Volt of electricity. The inverter combines and converts each volt of electricity into AC power ready to be used throughout your home.

The AC power is run to the electrical panel (breaker box) where it can be distributed throughout your home.
Silicone solar cells absorbing light energy creating a Photovoltaic Effect + Efficient Silver Conductors = Electricity for your home

Net metering is the process through which you attain a “dual-benefit” by installing a solar power plant on the Roof/Open space, Walls & windows of the building to generate electricity. Generated power is first used in the building as per the requirement and the surplus power is fed to the grid of utility i.e your local electricity provider Company.
System Tracking

Monitoring System
SCADA based (Mobile App and Web Portal) monitoring system that informs about live generation to historical generation, error alarms and online rectification of suitable errors.
Solar Panels replaces your
High cost grid power
Panel efficiency is essential to
your solar energy system.

A panel module needs to be well designed.

The optimal position for a panel is to face south.

For maximum production, the panel needs to be placed at a certain tilt angle as you geographic coordinates.

A panel needs to be placed out of the way of any possible shading (i.e. trees).

A panel needs to be placed on a home so that it will not overheat.