It’s simple: We can’t continue to burn things to meet our energy needs.
At Resol this is the heart of what we believe: our nation’s current power generation is not sustainable. As a nation, we still get over 67% of our electricity from the burning of fossil fuels.
Regardless if one believes in global warming or not, we can all agree that the toxic pollution that these carbon-based energy sources spew into the atmosphere is not a good thing. The simple test is this: would you like your family to live next to a coal-fired power plant?

For many of our customers, this will be the first meaningful contribution they make to their environmental stewardship to reduce their
carbon footprint.
The average Resol system will offset 175 tons of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. That’s like:

Making a Difference in the World &
Your Bank Account

Standard electricity is produced from fuels like coal, oil, and
natural gas. When burned, these fuels emit chemical gases
causing pollution and harm to our environment. Fossil fuels are
not only destructive to the environment, but they are also a
limited resource. Solar electricity is by far one of the cleanest forms
of energy and available in abundance.
Energy is more than numbers on your utility meter or the cost of
your monthly electrical bill. Everything you do to help conserve
energy has a major impact on our environment. And as a bonus, it
has a positive effect on your finances. Solar power protects you
from rising energy costs and increases the value of your home.
Your savings will increase by many folds over the span of
25 to 30 years.

The Sunshine Programme Share the Sun

We are so sure that you are going to love your new
Re Sol Solar system, after that we invites you to join
Sunshine Programme by which you can get referral
income by spreading solar awareness across your
nears and dears and also your efforts will help the
world in sustaining with climate change.